Root Canal Therapy

Advanced Root Canal Therapy in Oshawa

Image of a model depicting the interior of a tooth and pulp

At Clearbrook Dental, we offer root canal therapy to improve your oral health. We are passionate about helping you and your family achieve and maintain healthy, beautiful smiles. Our team includes an endodontist who provides reliable root canal treatments.

We are proud to offer comprehensive treatments to protect your oral and overall health from the damage caused by infection. You can trust that our root canal dentist will halt the spread of infection and restore the health and functionality of your tooth. Whether your tooth has suddenly turned grey or you have pain in your jaw, we are ready to help. Contact us today to learn more about root canal therapy in Oshawa.


Do I Need Root Canal Treatment?

The signs that you need root canal therapy vary but ultimately signify that your tooth's health is compromised. Root canal treatment is performed on a tooth that is infected. A tooth is an enclosed system and cannot heal on its own, so when infection takes hold, it's vital to remove the infection before it spreads to other dental structures or enters your bloodstream. Here are some common signs of an infected tooth that requires root canal treatment:

  • Pain when chewing
  • Sudden greying of a tooth
  • Abscess at the base of a tooth
  • Pain in the tooth or jaw
  • Sudden sensitivity to hot or cold
  • Bad taste that doesn't go away after brushing

What Causes a Tooth Infection?

There are many factors that can lead to an infected tooth. If you have a chipped or worn tooth, or a tooth with a cavity, then bacteria can enter and compromise the inner pulp. Once the bacteria enters the root chamber, it attacks the nerves, blood vessels, and tissue inside your tooth. The resulting infection can cause pain or other physical symptoms like a fever. If the infected material isn't removed through root canal therapy, it continues to decay the tooth and the surrounding tissue, which allows the infection to spread and cause other health problems.

If you think you have an infected tooth or notice any of the symptoms related to an infection, contact our office, and our team will schedule an appointment to address the problem and renew your oral health.

Our Root Canal Dentist's Process

When you visit us for root canal therapy, you can trust that we will strive to create a peaceful experience for you. Our endodontist will take the time to get to know you and ask questions to fully understand your concerns and the symptoms you're dealing with. We'll perform a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and jaws, complete with scans to determine the extent of the infection. Our endodontist discusses the results of your exam and crafts a custom treatment plan to restore your oral health.

During root canal therapy, the endodontist numbs the area around the infected tooth to maximize your comfort. A tiny access point is created in the tooth, and the infected material is carefully removed. We fill the tooth root chamber with an antibacterial solution and seal the access point. Our team offers custom crowns to cover and reinforce your natural tooth structure to protect it from further infection and the forces exerted when you chew.

Root Canal Therapy FAQs

Protecting your smile can feel like a complicated endeavor, and it's normal to have questions. We encourage you to voice your questions and concerns. Our team is happy to provide the answers and valuable insight necessary for you to make an informed decision regarding your treatment plan. Here are some of the most common questions we receive about root canals in Oshawa:

Will I need a crown after root canal therapy?

It depends on the extent of the infection and how much your tooth has been compromised. In general, many people get a crown to protect their tooth and restore the functionality of their bite after root canal therapy.

Many people recover from root canal therapy in as little as two weeks. Our compassionate team will provide helpful tips and instructions to improve your recovery.

Yes. Our endodontist welcomes any patient who needs a root canal, including those who need retreatments or have a severe case.

Restoring Smiles with Root Canals in Oshawa

At Clearbrook Dental, our endodontist provides root canal therapy to protect your smile. As your trusted partner in boosting and maintaining your oral health, we are proud to offer the treatments necessary to keep your teeth healthy. Whether your tooth has pus along the gumline or you're experiencing sudden pain when you drink hot or cold beverages, our team can identify the problem and provide a solution. Contact us today to schedule your appointment for root canal therapy in Oshawa.


Office Location

  • Oshawa, ON
  • 1383 Wilson Road N #5
  • Oshawa, ON, Ontario
  • L1K 2Z5
  • Map & Directions
  • Call: (905) 434-4244